
Friday, June 23, 2017

Napoleon Beazley: Last Words

Napoleon Beazley: Last Words
Dudley Sharp, independent researcher, death penalty expert, former opponent, 832-439-2113, CV at bottom

To: Letters to the Editor, Fort Worth Star-Telegram (FWST) (1)  

FWST columnist Bob Ray Sanders, with a confusion that can best be described as willful blindness, seeks to enshrine the final words of capital murderer Napoleon Beazley. ("Beazley's own words best decry capital punishment", 6/5/02, Fort Worth Star-Telegram).

It is Beazley who is decried, by his own words.

Beazley states "I'm . . . disappointed that a system that is supposed to protect and uphold what is just and right can be so much like me when I made the same shameful mistake."

Sharp: Beazley equates the premeditated, undeserved and brutal capital murder of a totally innocent man, John Luttig, with his own just punishment for committing that crime. Such moral relativism is simply foul, regardless of your feelings about capital punishment.

Beazley humbly offers: "If someone tried to dispose of everyone here (those witnessing the execution) for participating in this killing, I'd scream a resounding, 'No.' I'd tell them to give them all the gift that they would not give me ... and that's to give them all a second chance."

Sharp: How generous. Beazley wouldn't execute those witnessing his just execution. Saint Beazley.

And Beazley didn't have a second chance? Please.

He had infinite chances to choose a life outside of crime. He had a great life, a wonderful family, was president of his school class, a great athlete. He had it all. And what did he do?

He threw it away, just as he so casually pumped two bullets into the head of John Luttig.

Mrs. Luttig survived by playing dead, after Beazley threw some lead in her direction -- he missed.

Beazley continues: "Tonight we tell the world that there are no second chances in the eyes of justice. ... Tonight, we tell our children that in some instances, in some cases, killing is right."

Sharp: Just the opposite. Justice gave Beazley 8 years on death row to make everything as right as he could. To make amends, to show true remorse and contrition. But, instead, he threw that opportunity away, as well.

Instead, it is all about poor Napoleon. And yes, Napoleon, it is a good lesson for our children. Yes, in some cases killing is right, though never easy. It is right to search out and kill terrorists that pledge to murder innocents . . . and it is just and right to execute terrorists like Napoleon Beazley.

Napoleon asks: "But who's wrong if in the end we're all victims?"

Sharp: It is so common for self-serving criminals to see themselves as victims. Beazley was no different.

Beazley implores: "Give (death row murderers) a chance to undo their wrongs."

Sharp: It is, of course, impossible to undo a capital murder and the ensuing horror and pain that still remains with those who cared and loved John Luttig. You would think that after 8 years of dealing with his deep remorse that Beazley may have figured that out. It seems he figured out very little. More opportunities wasted.

Mr. Sanders, Beazley's final words say little about capital punishment, but a lot about Napoleon Beazley.

Read Michael Luttig's victim impact statement. He is John's son

1) For clarity, I separated my comments with Sharp: I could not find the original Letter at the FWST site, but found it at another site, undated, here:

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