
Friday, August 08, 2014

Clayton Lockett: The Case for Execution

Clayton Lockett: The Case for Execution
Dudley Sharp, independent researcher, death penalty expert, 832-439-2113, CV below

Make the effort to think of your daughters, granddaughters and sisters, or any loved ones, as these victims and their family members were forced to do (1)

During a home invasion and kidnapping:

A, completely, innocent Stephanie Neiman, 19, was shot twice with a shotgun. The criminals made Stephanie watch as they dug her grave. Stephanie was placed, alive, in that grave, moaning and crying, and buried, alive (2).

Summer Hair was anally and vaginally raped, twice, on separate occasions and different locations and forced to perform oral sex. She lived (2).

Lockett gave a full confession, with no remorse (1).

Lockett was an ongoing, continuing threat while on death row (1), just as he was before these crimes.

In the full context of Lockett's crimes and his death, there is no reason for anyone to use them as a reason to abandon the death penalty and every reason to reflect on why some crimes deserve the death penalty.

Remember Stephanie and Summer.

Predictably, death penalty opponents are using Lockett as their newest poster rapist/torturer/murderer to fight the death penalty.

Anti-death penalty legislators in the New Hampshire House of Representatives even used Lockett as the foundation for a re-vote on death penalty repeal.

Fortunately, with that re-vote, the House had 7 fewer votes for repeal and 13 more votes for retention.  Thank you. The Senate refused to reconsider and the death penalty remains.

Lockett's crimes call for more death penalty support.


Death penalty opponents, in all states, are using Lockett's "botched" execution, in Oklahoma, to call for an end to execution.

Lockett moved and made noises and media and other anti-death penalty folks went
apoplectic, seemingly, unaware that such are not only common in drug overdoses (3), but also when people are asleep.

Nationally, 1% of lethal injections are botched, not 7% (3). 

Could Lockett have exhibited those noises and movements while unconscious? Of course (3).

"Southwestern Institute of Forensic Sciences at Dallas, which performed (Lockett's) autopsy, concluded that the cause of death was "judicial execution by lethal injection." But the report does not answer why the execution took so long and why Lockett writhed on the gurney." He " . . . succumbed to the lethal drugs he was administered, not a heart attack . . ."  (4)

"Toxicology reports said all three lethal drugs were found in Lockett's system — the sedative in brain tissue and elsewhere and the other drugs in his blood." (4) All drugs were in his blood.

This makes it unlikely Lockett suffered.

But, we do know, as a fact, of the extraordinary suffering of Stephanie and Summer. Don't forget them (1).

With executions, the proper protocol is to have a second IV line, ready to go. Had that been done in Lockett's case, there would have been a brief delay, then the second IV would have been used and no one would have even noticed. The IV line should always be visible, but was not in this case. The IV was not, properly, placed in this case. Plus additional problems - No excuse.

The execution was botched - bad training, bad preparation - totally irresponsible, none of which proves that Lockett, ever, had any pain.

We know what happened with all the blind speculation in McGuire's execution (3) in Ohio. Let's not continue duplicating that nonsense with Lockett.


Nitrogen Gas; Flawless, peaceful, unrestricted method of execution 


1) "Friends of victim have zero sympathy for Clayton Lockett", New York Daily News, May 2, 2014,

3) The (Imagined) Horror of Dennis McGuire's Execution

4)  "Drugs, Not Heart Attack, Killed Clayton Lockett In Oklahoma Execution: Autopsy", Tim Talley, AP, 08/28/2014