
Wednesday, March 09, 2016

95% Death Penalty Support by Capital Murder Survivors

95% Death Penalty Support by Loved Ones of Capital Murder Victims
From:  Dudley Sharp, independent researcher, death penalty expert, former opponent, 832-439-2113, CV at bottom


This is non-scientific polling, as it must be, with only other polls lending credibility to them.

In two scientific polls, 86%of the US respondents supported the death penalty/execution, one with a "sometimes" response (1) and one with a specific crime response (2), which is, also a sometimes answer, both of which reflecting the actual way the US uses the death penalty, rarely and sometimes.

This is much more accurate than the polling whereby, often, they ask about death penalty support for all murders, when the US has a very limited group of capital, death penalty eligible murders, a very small percentage of all murders, the inaccurate subject.

When Gallup does ask about death penalty support for murders that actually qualify for the death penalty, as they did with Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City Bomber, mass murderer, death penalty support was 81%, across all demographics (1, 3).

Those three polls make it, highly, credible that when, only, polling those victim survivors, who have lost loved ones to a capital murder, would support the death penalty 95-99%, which is, only, 8.5% above the 86% to reach 95%.

(March 2015) Poll by Pennsylvania Office of the Victim Advocate found:

90% of victims' family members support the death penalty. 94% said the imposed death sentence should be carried out. (3,4)

Any state could, easily, do the same poll. I hope they do.

I don't know if this was a poll of all crime victims and their survivors or only death penalty eligible cases, which would, likely, produce higher support.

Oklahoma City Bombing case and the 9/11 terrorism attacks:

 Oklahoma City Bombing case:

I am aware of 4 murder victim survivors who opposed Timothy McVeigh's execution.

That is 4 out of 1680 (10 times 168 murder victims) (5), or 0.2% opposed to execution.

Way under 5%, which would require 84 death penalty opponents, using my method (2).

"Survivors and family members took solace in McVeigh's death. Janice Smith, whose 46-year-old brother, Lanny Scroggins, died in the bombing, prayed with her children at the Oklahoma City National Memorial, then left after getting word that McVeigh was dead. ``It's over,'' she said. ``We don't have to continue with him anymore.'' Earlier, a silent vigil began without fanfare -- 168 minutes, one minute for each victim killed in the tragedy."
"McVeigh's execution was witnessed by 10 survivors and victims' relatives from the bombing . . .  Meanwhile, about 600 miles away, an estimated 300 people gathered . . . to watch the execution unfold on a large video screen."

McVeigh wrote that taking 168 lives, including those of 19 children, was a "legit tactic."  

quotes from The Lamp of Hope (Chicago Tribune), June 11 2001, 8:01 AM CDT, TERRE HAUTE, Ind. 

NOTE:  Anti-death penalty activist Bud Welck, whose daughter Julie was murdered in the OKC bombing has stated  " . . . that the execution of Timothy McVeigh only ‘‘revictimized’’ the families of his victims."  and that " . . . a poll taken in Oklahoma City showed that 85 percent of the survivors wanted the death penalty for Timothy McVeigh. But several years later the figure dropped to nearly half, and now many of those who supported the execution have come to believe it was a mistake."

For years , I have been trying find any evidence that such statements were true, from Mr. Welch, via both phone messages and emails to him and through the staff at the Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum.  Never has he replied, nor supplied any evidence, if it exists, nor have any of my internet searches turned up anything which confirmed Mr. Welch's claims.

9/11 terrorism attacks:

I am aware of 3 of the nearly 30,000 9/11 murder victim's loved ones who opposed either Bin Laden's death or those killed in drone strikes who were connected to 9/11 or who have voiced any opposition to a death penalty for any other 9/11 conspirators.

That is 0.01% opposed.

5% would be 1500.  I have only found 3.


Sadly, these two mass murders were so huge, it presented this opportunity to see what developed with a media that is always interested to find and publicize murder victim survivors who oppose the death penalty, specifically, in death penalty eligible cases.

When there are death penalty opponents whose loved ones were murdered in highly publicized cases, the media jumps all over them.

I do my own google search for them, periodically, as well as inquire within the crime victim community.

When I get to 84 and 1500, respectively, I will re calculate. Likely, that will not be necessary.

600+ pro death penalty quotes from murder victim's families &
3300+ from some of the greatest thinkers in history

1) 86% Death Penalty Support: Highest Ever - April 2013
World Support Remains High
95% of Murder Victim's Family Members Support Death Penalty

2)  August 16, 2021      
86% Death Penalty Support, Depending Upon Crime Committed
New Evidence of Broad Support for Death Penalty | RealClearPolicy
Joseph M. Bessette & J. Andrew Sinclair, RealClearPolicy August 16, 2021 

3) Death Penalty Polling
 updated 3/2023
86% Death Penalty Support, Depending Upon Crime Committed 
95-99% Support From Victim Survivors in Death Penalty Cases

4)"Widow of slain policeman adamant in support of death penalty',, December 13, 2015

5) I multiplied every murder victim times 10 to arrive at the number of close loved ones per murder victim.

Additional research, w/sources, w/fact checking/vetting & critical thinking, as required of everyone.  
The Death Penalty: Justice & Saving More Innocents
Students, Academics & Journalists: Death Penalty Research
(7 pro-death penalty experts listed)