
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Death Penalty & Revenge

updated 3/2022

The Death Penalty: Neither Hatred nor Revenge
The weakest example of revenge, ever? Maybe.
Dudley Sharp, independent researcher, death penalty expert, former opponent, 832-439-2113, CV at bottom

The US death penalty cannot be revenge.

Neither the judges nor jurors can have any connection to the individuals or circumstances of the murders, must presume the defendant innocent, until (or if) proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, with laws and sanctions that existed prior to the murders . . .  laws outside the control of the judge or jurors, within a system that provides super due process, in pre trial, trial, appeals and executive consideration within pardons or commutation, offering greater protections and safeguards than with any other sanction, with the jury having to vote 48-0 (4 votes for the 12 jurors), 100%,  against the defendant/murderer in order to get a death penalty, but only 1 out of that 48, 2%, needs to be for the defendant/murderer, to evade the death penalty,  all of which exclude a revenge component. Obvious.

Our preexisting laws are based within just retribution or justice, with sanctions that are proportional to the crimes committed and which are not too harsh and not too lenient, based upon all circumstances of the crimes and the individuals involved - all additional exclusions of revenge.

In Texas, 100% of the 48 votes (4 voting issues for each of the 12 jurors), must be against the defendant/murderer, to be given a death sentence.

2%, only 1 of those 48 votes, must be for the defendant/murderer, to remove the death penalty option.

Any juror can use anything they want, personally and subjectively, to spare the murderer a death sentence.

2% for life, 100% for the death penalty.

The furthest legal protocol from revenge.

The pro death penalty position is based upon those who find that punishment just and appropriate under specific circumstances. Retributive justice, as opposed to revenge.

Those opposed to execution cannot prove a foundation of hatred and revenge for the death penalty any more than they can for any other punishment sought within a system such as that observed within the US – unless such opponents find all punishments a product of hatred and revenge – an unreasonable, unfounded position
Far from hatred and revenge, the death penalty represents our greatest condemnation for a crime of unequaled horror and consequence. Lesser punishments may suffice under some circumstances. A death sentence for certain heinous crimes is given in those special circumstances when a judge or unanimous jurors find such is more just than a lesser sentence.
Less justice is not what we need.
A thorough review of the criminal justice system will often beg this question: Why have we chosen to be so generous to murderers and so contemptuous of the human rights and suffering of innocent rape/murder victims and future victims?

The punishment of death is, in no way, a balancing between harm and punishment, because the innocent murder victim did not deserve or earn their fate, whereas the murderer has earned their own, deserved punishment, by the free will action of violating societies laws and an individual’s life and, thereby, voluntarily subjecting themselves to that jurisdiction’s judgment.

About 1% of our murderers receives the death penalty, with about 0.2% being executed, after 20 years of appeals, in 2021.

The weakest example of revenge, ever? Maybe.
600+ pro death penalty quotes from murder victim's families &
3300+ from some of the greatest thinkers in history
Additional research,w/sources, w/fact checking/vetting & critical thinking, as required of everyone.  
1) The Death Penalty: Justice & Saving More Innocents
Students, Academics & Journalists: Death Penalty Research
Partial CV