
Friday, November 03, 2017

Guilty: Hurricane Carter

Guilty: Hurricane Carter
Dudley Sharp, independent researcher, death penalty expert, former opponent, 832-439-2113, CV at bottom

What the movie (and song) "The Hurricane" "missed":

All from "Media missed the real story of the late Hurricane Carter", Paul Mulshine, The Star Ledger, April 23, 2014 (1)

Assault victim "(Carolyn Kelley) has this explanation for how Carter has gotten the nation to ignore his thuggish past and treat him as a hero:

"He's Satan, and Satan can fool a lot of people."

Carter: ''I couldn't begin to tell you how many hits, muggings and stickups (I committed). No use even trying to count them. We'd just use the guns like we had a license to carry them.". ''If I committed a crime in the eyes of society, I took no blame. I felt no more responsible for my actions than for the winds."

Hurricane Carter: The Other Side of the Story

. . . "(Carter), the tough middleweight boxer beat the 112-pound Kelley into unconsciousness and left her lying in a fetal position on the floor of his hotel room. Kelley called me after she read my columns pointing out that . . . 

the movie ("The Hurricane") distorts virtually every fact of Carter's life story."

''If (Carter) could do that to me, a woman who was no threat to him, then he has erased in my mind any doubt that he could kill three or four innocent people," Kelley says.

"(Carter's) rage was just bad timing on my mother's part; it could have been me. But his thing was always mugging women anyway." - 
Michael Kelley on Carter's beating of Michael's mother, Carolyn (Kelley).

"Chuck Stone, a columnist for the Philadelphia Daily News, broke the story of the beating in a front-page article. Stone had been a strong supporter of Carter's. But he knew Kelley from other civil rights struggles. He was troubled by the beating. 

In his column, Stone quoted Kelley: 

'Rubin used to tell me time and time again, 'You've met Rubin and you know Carter, but you've never met the Hurricane. The Hurricane's bad. The Hurricane's mean.' "

 The Hurricane Hoax, by Lona Manning, Crime Magazine, Oct 10, 2009,

"Juries twice found Carter guilty of a triple murder. The evidence against him was overwhelming. He finally was granted a third trial on a technicality, but no judge ever said or implied that he was framed or that he did not commit the murders."

Sharp: A hell of a technicality:
U.S. District Judge H. Lee Sarokin  ". . . . ruled the 1976 convictions of Carter, 48, and his alleged accomplice, John Artis, in the 1966 shooting of a bartender and two patrons in a Paterson tavern were based ″upon an appeal to racism rather than reason, and concealment rather than disclosure." and the two might never have been convicted except for ″these grave constitutional violations.″
Rubin ‘Hurricane’ Carter’s Conviction Overturned, Hearing Set On Release BOB MCHUGH November 7, 1985

But "no judge ever said or implied that (Carter) was framed or that he did not commit the murders."

Neither Carter nor Artis were, nor could be, exonerated, but. of course, The National Registry of Exonerations (NRE)lists both of them, as exonerated (3).

"There were a lot of lies at the last trial,' testified ex-alibi witness Catherine McGuire, who at the first trial had testified she was with Carter at the time of the killings."

"Doubts, errors, unknowns still haunt the case of 'Hurricane' Carter, John Artis, by Mike Kelly. The Record, June 17, 2009 (originally, March 26,2000),

"At Carter's second trial, Hardney testified that Carter had asked him to back up a false alibi that had him drinking at a bar called the Nite Spot at the time of the killings."

"Three other Carter alibi witnesses also testified that they had lied at the first trial."

"Then there was the matter of the alleged recantation of Alfred Bello, the eyewitness who in the first trial testified that he had seen Carter leaving the murder scene but who later said he had made up that story."

"At the second trial, he recanted his recantation, saying he had been offered money by people close to Carter. The jury quickly convicted Carter and co-defendant John Artis once again."

"The Hurricane: the facts of Rubin Carter's life story are beaten to a pulp", 
History grade: D–, by Alex von Tunzelmann, The Guardian, 24 April 2014

Carter's alibi involves Artis in a complicated story of how the two men spent the night of the murders driving from one bar to another. . . Artis said he had no idea what Carter was doing during the hours when, according to Carter, the two were together." "I asked Artis whether it is possible Carter could have killed three people in the moments before he offered Artis a ride home." 

''Good question," Artis said.

Thus, "Carter was the natural choice for executive director of the Association in Defence of the Wrongly Convicted." (2) Incredible. 

It's a well-known pattern (3).


"The Carter case fits a familiar pattern, one that might be called the cult of the avenger. There is always one of these cases in the news. There's always some guy who claims he was unjustly convicted of killing someone. And there's always a cult of true believers devoted to proving their hero was denied a fair trial."

"The interesting thing is that the weight of evidence against the hero is irrelevant. In fact, the guiltier the better."

"That is proven by the case of the man who has succeeded Carter as a cult hero, Mumia Abu-Jamal. Unlike Carter, who at least had the good sense not to be stopped at the scene of the crime, Jamal was literally caught with a smoking gun. He was sitting just a few feet away from the Philadelphia cop he had shot to death."

"But Jamal's lack of an alibi put him at no disadvantage. In the years since his conviction in 1982, Jamal has assembled what may be the largest such cult in history. From his cell on death row in Pennsylvania, Jamal inspired a riot in San Francisco. He is idolized in Paris, London and Amsterdam."

"But Jamal has virtually no support in Philadelphia, just as Carter has few supporters in New Jersey. Those who know the reality are not prone to buy the myth."

"Perhaps the only one of these characters who hasn't become the subject of a cult of innocence was a man spawned by Hollywood itself. This guy had it all. An intriguing look, a nonconformist lifestyle, a charismatic message. And there were quite a few holes in the prosecution's case that sent him to prison."

"But this guy made one crucial mistake: Instead of killing a cop, he killed an actress. If not for that minor oversight, we might have been treated to the spectacle of a Sheen or a Baldwin up there on stage tonight with one hand clutching a statue and another wrapped around the waist of Charles Manson."

This pattern is endless (4).

1)" Media missed the real story of the late Hurricane Carter", Paul Mulshine,, April 23, 2014,

2) Rubin “Hurricane” Carter dead at 76, By RACHEL MENDLESON, The (Toronto) Star, April 20, 2014

3) More Deceptions:
The "Exonerated", as defined by the National Registry of Exonerations (NRE) 

The Death Row "Exonerated"/"Innocent" Frauds 
 71-83% Error Rate in Death Row "Innocent" Claims, Well Known Since 2000 
