Sunday, January 09, 2022

Judges, Solely, At Fault For California Death Penalty Disaster


Judges, Solely, At Fault For California Death Penalty Disaster
Dudley Sharp, independent researcher, death penalty expert, former opponent, 832-439-2113, CV at bottom

Federal Judge Carney declares long stays on death row, in California,  unconstitutional, thereby extending stays on death row by 5 years or more, based upon how slowly California cases make it through the appellate judicial system - a system that just keeps on creating more and more delay, as intended . . .  by the judges.

Had California judges acted in a responsible matter, since California's new death penalty statutes were enacted in 1978, then California would have about 111 death row inmates, today (1), would be able to, properly, manage that number, execute within 7 to 11 years, on average, and finalize non executed inmates appeals, within that same time frame, while managing new additions to death row.   

Virginia has the most efficient death penalty system (2).   If California duplicated Virginia's results, through 2012, there would have been 703 executions (72%) and 175 (18%) would have been removed from death row, by appeals and commutations and there would be 80 death row inmates in California, today.   

California has executed 13 or 1.3%. 


All of the problems on California's death row are a result of judicial mismanagement, which, I suggest, was intentional and has resulted in this, predictable, train wreck -- a judicially created disaster, with over 700 death row inmates.   

One of the more idiotic statements by Judge Carney, from this decision, is:

"California's death penalty system is so plagued by inordinate and unpredictable delay that the death sentence is actually carried out against only a trivial few of those sentenced to death."   

Delays have been inordinate and 'predictable' for two decades, based upon judicial mismanagement.  

Judges Responsible For Grossly Uneven Executions

We have criminal sociopath's on death row and judges running the death penalty system into the ground.   

It's long past time to reduce both their numbers.   If the judges cared one wit about justice, the innocent murder victims, the law, the California citizens and their money, they would have properly managed death penalty cases, instead of what they have done, which is just the opposite.   

The California death penalty system is a train wreck, because the judges are the conductors.  

1) Properly managed death penalty system   

976 sent to death row, 1978-2012, 450 executed  (46%), 300 overturned on appeal   (31%), 30  commuted  (3.1%), 85 died   111 on death row 2012   

With executions beginning in 1990, with average times on death row, from 7-11 years, prior to execution and 17 executions/yr, on average, since 1990, 12 years after new death penalty statutes. 

For appeals to take 7-11 years, that would be 3-6 years for state appeals and 3-6 years for federal appeals   This is a system much less efficient than Virginia's, but still responsible, meaning impossible by California judicial standards.   

2) Virginia 1973-2012, 152 sentenced to death, 109 executions (72%) executed, 16 removed on appeal (10.5%), 11 commuted (7%), total appeals/commutation removals 18%.   

from Capital Punishment, 2012, BJS, table 17

Also see:   Path to execution swifter, more certain in Va., Frank Green, Richmond Times-Dispatch, December 4, 2011 12:00 am | Updated: 9:49 am, Mon Dec 31, 2012 

600+ pro death penalty quotes from murder victim's families &
3300+ from some of the greatest thinkers in history
Research, w/sources, w/fact checking/vetting & critical thinking, as required of anyone within a public policy debate and which rebut all anti-death penalty claims.

The Death Penalty: Justice & Saving More Innocents
Students, Academics & Journalists: Death Penalty Research
(7 pro-death penalty experts listed)
Partial CV, Dudley Sharp