Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Crime, Film, & Fraud: Shameless Hollywood (and others)

updated 10/2022

Crime, Film, & Fraud: Shameless Hollywood (and others)
Too Often Glorifying Murderers, Slandering Victims
Dudley Sharp, independent researcher, death penalty expert, former opponent, 832-439-2113, CV at bottom
"True" films and/or documentaries can be complete frauds, marred by a total lack of empathy for innocent rape/murder victims, while glorifying the rapists/murderers - so woke for the "me too" groups.
Hollywood, as others, very often abuses victims and the truth (fn 1). A few examples:

1)  REBUTTAL: Carlos DeLuna - "The Phantom" - film
Man 'Wrongly' Executed For Murder 'Died In Agony'
I haven't seen the "documentary, yet, but, based upon prior reviews, trailers and other articles, the film appears to have "missed" a few things, such as credibility of its sources:
 This, in similar form, has been distributed to various media since 5/2012
Do directors, producers, movie reviewers, critics, film festivals, news editors and reporters have any responsibility to fact check/vet/research, alleged "true" crime films/documentaries?
Maybe some few do. A lot do not and they prove it, all the time.
As far as DeLuna dying in agony . . . Rebuttal: Botched Executions
It's humorous and sad that one of the scene changes, in the trailer, is, just, these words  "A Broken System", intentionally duplicating the Broken Study by Liebman, the primary researcher for DeLuna's innocence.

Pathetic and this . . .

"Paul Rivera, a Corpus Christi police investigator said the study's researchers asked him years ago to reread the DeLuna case. He did: In the end, he drew the same conclusion."
"I know exactly what happened. DeLuna stabbed Wanda Lopez when she was on the phone and she was screaming for help." 
"Rivera, who investigated more than 200 murders . . . said at least nine of those people were on death row and no one questioned his investigations or methods before DeLuna's case."

"The Columbia researchers are adamant about trying to abolish the death penalty, Rivera said. "I don't know why these people are so vicious,"
 "DeLuna claimed the killer was a man named Carlos Hernandez whom he'd met in the Nueces County jail.  . . . but " . . . records showed DeLuna had never been in the jail, at the same time, as a Carlos Hernandez."

That removes any doubt concerning this lie.
" , , , investigators gave defense attorneys photos of every Carlos Hernandez who had been jailed in Nueces County and showed them to DeLuna, who refused to identify any of the photos as the killer."

Because it was Carlos . . . obvious.
" . . . he's making it up, giving a phony name, hence the phantom Carlos Hernandez," Schiwetz said. "What am I supposed to do?" Schiwetz . . . believes Hernandez either didn't exist or had no connection to the case. Nothing so far, changed my mind as to who did it."
and this:

Can Rev. Pcikett be trusted? Of course not.

How much worse can it get?

Pickett:  In 2007, stated, "(That when DuLuna was executed in 1989), I was so 100% certain that he couldn't have committed this crime. (Carlos) was a super person to minister to.  I knew Carlos was not guilty. " "I knew (executed inmate) Carlos (De Luna) didn't do it."

REPLY:  There is this major problem. It appears that Rev. Pickett is, now, either lying about his own 1989 opinions or he is very, very  confused.

In 1999, 4 years after Rev. Pickett had left his death row ministry, and he had become an anti-death penalty activist, and 10 years after DeLuna's execution, the reverend was asked, in a PBS Frontline interview,

"Do you think there have been some you have watched die who were strictly innocent?"

Pickett's  reply: "I never felt that."

That gives you some idea how bad "The Phantom" is, by Liebman and Pickett, alone. There will be more.
It gets, even, worse - Much more here:
-- “At the Death House Door” - documentary
Can Rev. Carroll Pickett be trusted?
Documentary about the Carlos DeLuna case
The "errors" or lies are substantial and very easy to find.
-- DeLuna is reviewed, no. 12 within fn 1 para 3, at very bottom, as
3)  The Innocent Frauds: Standard Anti-Death Penalty Deception, at very bottom:
2) Rebuttal: "Trial By Fire", the film, the article and the "Incendiary" documentary
The Guilt of Cameron Todd Willingham:
Rebuttal: "Trial by Fire: Did Texas execute an innocent man?", by David Grann, The New Yorker, Dudley Sharp
An, alleged, fact-based documentary and film based upon a script, adapted from the 2009 Polk Award winning New Yorker article, of the same name - an article which director/producer Ed Zwick calls "brilliant reporting".
Based upon Grann's New Yorker article, how could it be "fact based" or "brilliant"? Zwick failed to fact check/vet/research the article, as with the Polk Award folks. Grann has a history of this nonsense, see another "true" film made from one of his "true" articles, "The Lost City of Z", in the above link. For Grann, "truth" is. laughably pathetic.
Truly foul.
3)  The Film "When They See Us" based upon:
The "Exonerated Five": An Impossibility
Some Reality & The Central Park Five Case
Did anyone in the media/academic fact check/vet/research this? Maybe? Well no. It is not that they do not fact check/vet/research, it is that they refuse to.
4) Clemency, a film, inspired by the "innocence" of Troy Davis
Troy Davis & The Innocent Frauds of the anti-death penalty lobby

5) Oscar Winner: Green Book' Is Full of Lies': Dr. Don Shirley's Family Speaks Out
6)  The film "The Hurricane"
I add to that Title - "Guilty: Hurricane Carter"
The movie is a grotesque destruction of the truth.
7) The movie "Monster" Makes Innocent Victims Guilty Abusers
The more cruel to the victims the better.
"As (the movie) Monster tells it, one john brutally beats and rapes Wuornos in some very disturbing scenes. When the attacker threatens to kill her, she shoots him in self-defense. When moviegoers see the graphic rape scene, many feel Wuornos is the victim." (1a)
"(actress Charlise) Theron helped produce the film and talks about the research she did while promoting the film. I would think the research would include talking to the prosecutor, John Tanner, who spent years investigating Wuornos and the seven men she killed."

But (Tanner) was not consulted." Of course.
Why? Their intention were to make Wuornos a sympathetic character, thus harming the survivors more and slandering the murder victims. Obvious.

"You know, these men had wives. They have daughters, brothers, sons, friends," Tanner told ABCNEWS. "And anyone that sees that film is left with the impression that — at least some of the men that were murdered deserved to die and that she was acting in self-defense."
"It's a total lie."
"(executed murderer) Wuornos even admitted that her crimes, committed in Florida in the 1980s, were not "self-defense." During her trial, Wuornos took the stand and said she "robbed" the men and killed them "as cold as ice."
"And I'd do it again, too, I know I'd kill another person, 'cause I've hated humans for a long time. (Wuornos) then continued to claim the men were innocent while in prison, after she said she found God." "And so I need to come clean, I need to tell the world that there is no self-defense in my cases."
Victims’ Families Ignored
"When picking up her Golden Globe for her performance, Theron thanked lots of people, but she never once mentioned the families of the murdered men."
Why would she? She harmed them more with the film and would, likely, have just done it, again . . .  likeWuornos, who was honest, eventually . . . and Theron?
It's just total, intentional, cruelty.
"I don't think they cared about the victims' families," said Linda Yates. Her mother was engaged to Gino Antonio, when Wuornos killed him. "[Wuornos] was just a vicious person," said Yates.
"In fact, the filmmakers didn't talk to any of the victims' families."
Of course not. They just spit in their faces.
"Mike Humphreys' dad was also murdered. He has a problem with the way the movie was produced: "I don't think that they ought to do this to the victims out there," said Humphreys.
Mike, they care not one bit what you think.
"This movie is portraying her as a victim," said Letha Prater. "She isn't. She was not a victim. My brother was a victim."
"Most of the family members won't go to the movie."
"The movie does acknowledge Wuornos killed one man who was trying to help her, but all the others are shown as johns. The families say that's cruel to them."
 . . .  and it was intentional. 
all quotes from
Stossel: How True Is 'Monster'?
8)  "The Life of David Gale": the perfect anti-death penalty film.
It is based upon a lie:
Film reviewer: Roger Ebert: "this movie is about as corrupt, intellectually bankrupt and morally dishonest as it could possibly be without David Gale actually hiring himself out as a joker at the court of Saddam Hussein."
The intentional "murder" of an "innocent" death penalty opponent, by suicide, made to look like a rape/murder, thereby, intentionally framing the other "innocent" death penalty opponent, so that he can be "wrongly" executed, as planned, with proof, held back until after the execution, of the factual innocence of the executed party, in order to end the death penalty   . . .   and of course, the obligatory moron reporter who believes the "fake" story of innocence, as so many do (fn 1)
Lying, fiction, killing innocents, on purpose, to help stop the death penalty. It's almost shocking that the anti-death penalty folks haven't done it yet. It's so them.
Pure, absolute, anti-death penalty perfection.
9)  Dead Man Walking (This is in reference to the book. I haven't fact checked/vetted the movie, which was wonderful cinema)
a) The parents of rape/torture/murder victim Loretta Bourque, a "Dead Man Walking" Case 

" . . .makes you realize the Dead Man Walking truly belongs on the shelf in the library in the Fiction category."  "Being devout Catholics, 'the norm' would be to look to the church for support and healing. Again, this need for spiritual stability was stolen by Sister Prejean."
from Dead Family Walking: The Bourque Family Story of Dead Man Walking , by D. D. deVinci, Goldlamp Publishing, 2006,
b) Case Detective Michael Vernado, in the rape/torture/murder of Faith Hathaway, a Dead Man Walking Case 

"I wouldn't have had as much trouble with (Prejean's) views if she would have told the truth . . ." " . . . (Sr. Prejean) based her book on what was in I guess a defense file and what (rapist/murderer) Robert Willie telling her."  " . . . she's trying to mislead people in the book. And that's something that she's going have to work out with herself." "(Sr. Prejean's) certainly not after giving anybody spiritual advice to try to save their soul."
from The Victims of Dead Man Walking, by Michael L. Varnado, Daniel P. Smith, Pelican Publishing, 2003
Much more here:
Sister Helen Prejean: Does Truth Matter?:
Dead Man Walking & The Death Penalty
10)  Steenkamp family felt the need to produce their own film, "My Name Is Reeva", to counter the false material (just below) about her life and murder. Trailer, here:  
The Lifetime movie, titled "Oscar Pistorius - The Blade Runner Killer" leaves family of murdered Reeva Steenkamp " . .  horrified and upset to read a report that ‘the movie is told from Steenkamp and her mother’s perspective. Any impression that the movie is endorsed by the Steenkamp family is untrue and incorrect.”
“The ‘film’ was made with blatant disregard of both the Steenkamp and Pistorius families, as well as complete disregard for Reeva and Oscar,” Carl (Oscar Pistorius's brother)
The controversial movie was also slammed by the Paralympian sprinter's family who said they would be taking legal action
By Frances Kindon Jessica Gibb, Mirror, 13 NOV 2017
The norm.
11) Rescue Dawn - film
The movie Rescue Dawn was subjected to severe criticism by members of the family of Eugene DeBruin and Phisit Inthara, the other survivor of the group (1b).
Herzog acknowledged that DeBruin acted heroically during his imprisonment, refusing to leave while some sick prisoners remained, but Herzog claimed to be unaware of this fact until after the film had been completed.
Herzog states that this narrative aspect probably would have been included had he learned it earlier.
DeBruin family members, however, said that Herzog was uninterested in speaking with them prior to the completion of the movie (2b).
Of course. Repulsive.
1b) "Rescue Dawn: The Truth". Family, Friends of Gene DeBruin Critical of Herzog Film. Archived from the original on September 28, 2007.
2b) Herzog, Werner, The Making of a True Story, documentary feature on the American DVD release of Rescue Dawn
12) No film, but Hollywood actors were, heavily, invested in their support of Graham's "innocence", which involved one lie after another
footnote 1
Hollywood, very often abuses victims and the truth, very similar to the anti-death penalty movement:
Lots of similarities.
The Death Row "Exonerated"/"Innocent" Frauds
71-83% Error Rate in Death Row "Innocent" Claims, Well Known Since 2000
from: Dudley Sharp, independent researcher, pro death penalty expert, former opponent, 832-439-2113, CV upon request
The "Exonerated"/"Innocent" Frauds
1)   Deception: The DPIC "Exonerated"/"Innocence" List
(see fact checking/vetting model-use it)
2)  Death Row, "Exonerations", Media & Intentional Fraud  
3)  The Innocent Frauds: Standard Anti-Death Penalty Deception 5)  How many DNA "exonerations" are guilty?
Section (3) within
Death Row, "Exonerations", Media & Intentional Fraud  
6)  The 4.1% "Innocent" on Death Row: More Nonsense
7) Not a death penalty case but a great example of folks refusing to fact check/vet/research, as well as intentional deception.
The Absurdity of the "Exonerated Five":
The very obvious frauds of the Central Park Five
The Death Penalty/Executions Saving More Innocents
10) "Opponents in capital punishment have blood on their hands", Dennis Prager, 11/29/05,

11)  "A Death Penalty Red Herring: The Inanity and Hypocrisy of Perfection", Lester Jackson Ph.D.



Sunday, July 11, 2021

Can Rev. Carroll Pickett be trusted? “At the Death House Door”

Originally published, January 30, 2009 (at Homicide Survivors.com,  http://homicidesurvivors.com/2009/01/30/at-the-death-house-door-can-rev-carroll-pickett-be-trusted/)

“At the Death House Door” Can Rev. Carroll Pickett be trusted?
To: Members of The Independent Directors Committee – DGA
From: Dudley Sharp, independent researcher, death penalty expert, former opponents, 832-439-2113, CV below 
Fact checking is very welcome.
Can Rev. Carroll Pickett be trusted “At the Death House Door”?
Dudley Sharp,  
To: Film schools, festivals, institutes, websites and reviewers, worldwide Distributed since May, 2008
Rev. Pickett is on a promotional tour for the anti death penalty film “At the Death House Door”.
It is, primarily, about the Reverend’s experience ministering to 95 death row inmates executed in Texas.
Rev. Pickett’s inaccuracies are many and important.
Does Rev. Pickett just make facts up as he goes along, hoping that no one fact checks, or is he just confused or ignorant? (NOTE: As he has not corrected these for 23 years, it's a safe bet he is a liar).
Some of his miscues are common anti death penalty deceptions. The reverend is an anti death penalty activist.
Below are comments or paraphrases of Rev. Pickett, taken from interviews, followed by my Reply:.
1) Pickett: (In 2007)  Regarding DeLina's 1989 execution, Pickett stated: “I was so 100% certain that he couldn’t have committed this crime. (Carlos) was a super person to minister to. I knew Carlos was not guilty. ” “I knew (executed inmate) Carlos (De Luna) didn’t do it.” (1)
REPLY: There is this major problem. It appears that Rev. Pickett is, now, either lying about his own 1989 opinions or he is very confused.
In 1999, 4 years after Rev. Pickett had left his death row ministry, and he had become an anti death penalty activist, and 10 years after De Luna’s execution, the reverend was asked, in a PBS Frontline interview,
“Do you think there have been some you have watched die who were strictly innocent?”
Pickett’s reply: “I never felt that.”(2)
For at least 15 years, Pickett never felt that any of the 95 executed were actually innocent. This directly conflicts with his current statements on Carlos De Luna. Rev. Pickett is, now, saying that he was 100% sure of De Luna’s innocence in 1989! If he was 100% sure of DeLuna’s (proper) execution in 1989, what’s up with the PBS interview?.
How could Rev. Pickett forget the only “innocent” person he saw executed – he was 100% sure of his innocence – on his watch?
Wouldn’t anyone find that to be 100% impossible to forget, particularly when you are asked, specifically, about it during a formal interview?
When is the first confirmable date that Rev. Pickett stated he believed in DeLuna’s actual innocence?
It appears the reverend has either revised history to support his new anti death penalty activism – he’s lying – or he is, again, very confused. Reverend?
2) Sara Hickman, musician, anti death penalty activist, and acquaintance of Pickett’s, wrote ” . . . Rev. Carroll Pickett (the death row minister who witnessed 95 executions in Huntsville; he is convinced that at least 15 of those men were innocent),. . . “.
(3) Reply: In 1999 Rev. Pickett didn’t believe any of those 95 executed were innocent, now, in 2008, he is convinced that 15 innocents were executed. Quite remarkable, if true.
Rev. Pickett can you tell us which 15 you are convinced were executed innocents? And what is your evidence? Or did Ms. Hickman get it wrong? Reverend?
I have inquired with Ms. Hickman (sara@sarahickman.com) and Rev Pickett (carrollpickett57@gmail.com) but, so far (update 8/2023) , no reply.
3) Introduction: In 1974, prison librarian Judy Standley and teacher Von Beseda were murdered during an 11 day prison siege and escape attempt. Ignacio Cuevas was sentenced to death, as one of three prisoners who were involved. The other two died in the shootout. Ms. Standley and Ms. Beseda were part of Rev. Pickett’s congregation, outside of prison.
Pickett: After Cuevas was executed, Rev. Pickett alleges that he met with Judy Standley’s family and they told the reverend that “This (the execution) didn’t bring closure.” “This didn’t help us.”
According to Rev. Pickett, “They didn’t want him (Ignacio Cuevas) executed.” (1)
Reply; There might be a big problem.
Judy Standley’s five children wrote a statement, before the execution, which stated: “We are relieved the ordeal may almost be over, but we are also aware that to some, this case represents only one of many in which, arguably, `justice delayed is justice denied,” “We are hopeful the sentence will finally be carried out and that justice will at last be served,” said the statement, signed by Ty, Dru, Mark, Pam and Stuart Standley. (4)
Sure seemed like the kids wanted Cuevas to be executed. Doesn’t it? Reverend?
4) Pickett: spoke of the Soldier of Fortune murder for hire case, stating the husband got the death penalty, while the hired murderer got 6 years. (1)
Reply: Rev. Pickett’s point, here, appears to be the unfairness of the sentence disparity. More fact problems. John Wayne Hearn, the hitman, was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of Sandra Black.
5) Pickett: “A great majority of them (the 95 executed inmates he ministered to) were black or Hispanic.” (1)
Reply: The reverend’s point, here, appears to emphasize the alleged racist nature of the death penalty.
There is a problem for the reverend- the facts
– the “great majority” were 47 white (49%) with 32 black (34%), and 16 Hispanic (17%).
6) Pickett: “Out of the 95 we executed only one that had a college degree. All the rest of them their education was 9th grade and under.” (1)
Reply: Not even close. Rev. Pickett’s point, here, seems to be that capital murderers are, almost all, idiots who can’t be held responsible for their actions. But, there are more fact problems for the reverend.
In a review of only 31 of the 95 cases, 5 had some college or post graduate classes and 16 were high school graduates or completed their GED. Partial review (Incomplete Count) , below.
Would Rev. Pickett tell us about the educational achievements of all the true innocent murder victims and those that weren’t old enough for school?
7) Pickett: believes that, no way, could someone, so afraid of lightning and thunder, such as Carlos De Luna, use a knife (in a crime). (1)
Reply: Is the reverend not aware of DeLuna’s record? In 1980, “De Luna was charged with attempted aggravated rape and driving a stolen vehicle, he pleaded no contest and was sentenced to 2 to 3 years. Paroled in May 1982, De Luna returned to Corpus Christi. Not long after, he attended a party for a former cellmate and was accused of attacking the cellmate’s 53-year-old mother. She told police that De Luna broke three of her ribs with one punch, removed her underwear, pulled down his pants, then suddenly left.
He was never prosecuted for the attack, but authorities sent him back to prison on a parole violation.
Released again in December of that year, he came back to Corpus Christi and got a job as a concrete worker. Almost immediately, he was arrested for public intoxication. During the arrest, De Luna allegedly laughed about the wounding of a police officer months earlier and said the officer should have been killed.
Two weeks after that arrest, Lopez was murdered.” (Chicago Tribune)
Being a long time criminal, we can presume that there were numerous additional crimes committed by De Luna and which remained unsolved (only 25% of crimes are solved).
Was De Luna capable of committing a robbery murder, even though he had big brown eyes and was scared of lightning? Of course. Rev. Pickett?
8) Pickett: speaks of how sincere hostage taker, murderer Ignacio Cuevas was. Rev. Pickett states that “between 11 and midnight (I) believe almost everything” the inmates say, because they are about to be executed. (1)
Reply: Bad judgement. Minutes later, Cuevas lied when on the gurney, stating that he was innocent.
This goes to show how Rev. Pickett and many others are easily fooled by these murderers. Pickett concedes the point.
9) Pickett: “In my opinion and in the opinion of the convicts, life in prison, with no hope of parole, is a much worse punishment (than the death penalty).” “Most of these people (death row inmates) fear life in prison more than they do the possibility of execution.” (5)
REPLY: More fact problems. We know that isn’t the opinion of those facing a possible death sentence of those residing on death row. This gives more support to my suspicion that Rev. Pickett is putting words into the inmates’ mouths.
Facts: What percentage of capital murderers seek a plea bargain to a death sentence, rather than seeking a life sentence? Zero or close to it. They prefer long term imprisonment. What percentage of convicted capital murderers argue for execution in the penalty phase of their capital trial? Zero or close to it. They prefer long term imprisonment. What percentage of death row inmates waive their appeals and speed up the execution process? Nearly zero (less than 2%). They prefer long term imprisonment.
This is not, even remotely, in dispute.
How could Rev. Pickett not be aware of this? How long was he ministering to Texas’ death row? 13 years? So, what? Did he just make this up?
10) Pickett: stated that “doctors can’t (check the veins of inmates pending execution), it’s against the law.” (1)
Reply: Ridiculous. Obviously untrue.
11) Pickett: Pavulon (a paralytic) has been banned by vets but we use it on people. (1)
REPLY: This is untrue and is a common anti death penalty deception. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) states, “When used alone, these drugs (paralytics) all cause respiratory arrest before loss of consciousness, so the animal may perceive pain and distress after it is immobilized.”
Obviously, paralytics are never used alone in the human lethal injection process or animal euthanasia. The AVMA does not mention the specific paralytic – Pavulon – used in lethal injection for humans.
These absurd claims, falsely attributed to veterinary literature, have been a bald faced lie by anti death penalty activists.
In Belgium and the Netherlands, their euthanasia protocol is as follows: A coma is first induced by intravenous administration of 20 mg/kg sodium thiopental (Nesdonal) (NOTE-the first drug in human lethal injection) in a small volume (10 ml physiological saline). Then a triple intravenous dose of a non-depolarizing neuromuscular muscle relaxant is given, such as 20 mg pancuronium bromide (Pavulon) (NOTE-the second drug, the paralytic, in human lethal injection) or 20 mg vecuronium bromide (Norcuron). The muscle relaxant should preferably be given intravenously, in order to ensure optimal availability (NOTE: as in human lethal injection). Only for pancuronium bromide (Pavulon) are there substantial indications that the agent may also be given intramuscularly in a dosage of 40 mg. (NOTE: That is how effective the second drug in human lethal injection is, that it can be given intramuscularly and still hasten death).
Just like execution/lethal injection in the US, although we give a third drug which speeds up death, even more.
12) Pickett: “Most of the inmates would ask the question, “How can Texas kill people who kill people and tell people that killing people is wrong?” That came out of inmates’ mouths regularly and I think it’s a pretty good question to ask.” (5)
REPLY: I simply don’t believe it. Most? Would that be more than 47 out of 95? 10 out of 95? Doubtful. I suspect it is no coincidence that “Why do we kill people to show that killing is wrong” has been a common anti death penalty slogan for a very long time. I suspect that Rev. Pickett has just picked it up, used it and placed it in inmate’s mouths.
Furthermore, we don’t execute murderers to show that murder is wrong. Most folks know that murder is wrong even without a sanction.
13) Pickett: said an inmate said “its burning” “its burning”, during an execution. (1)
REPLY: This may have occurred for a variety of reasons and does not appear to be an issue. It is the third drug which is noted for a burning sensation, if one were conscious during its injection. However, none of the inmates that Rev. Pickett handled were conscious after the first drug was administered. That would not be the case, here, as the burning complaints came at the very beginning of the injection process, which would involve a reaction where the burning would be quite minor.
Has Rev. Pickett reviewed the pain and suffering of the real victims – the innocent murdered ones?
Bottom line. Reverend Pickett’s credibility is as high as a snakes belly. Time to edit the movie?!
Incomplete count this is a (random)  review of 31 out of the 95 death row inmates ministered by Rev. Pickett 21 of the 31 below had some college or post graduate classes (5) or were high school graduates or completed their GED (16) ———– 1) Brooks 12 3) O’Bryan post graduate degree – dentist 41 James Russel 10th 42 G Green sophomore college 45 David Clark 10th and GED 46 Edward Ellis 10th 47 Billy White 10th 48 Justin May 11th 49 Jesus Romero 11th and GED 50 Robert Black, Jr. a pilot (probably beyond 12th) 55. Carlos Santana 11th 57 Darryl Stewart 12th 58 Leonel Herrera 11th and GED 60) Markum Duff Smith Post graduate College 33) Carlos De Luna 9th 95 Ronald Keith Allridge 10th and GED 93 Noble Mays Junior in College 92 Samuel Hawkins 12th 91 Billy Conn Gardner 12th 90 Jeffery Dean Motley 9th 89 Willie Ray Williams 11th 86 Jesse Jacobs 12th 85 Raymond Carl Kinnamon 11th and GED 84 Herman Clark sophomore college 83 Warren Eugene Bridge 11th 82 Walter Key Williams 12th 72 Harold Barnard 12th 73 Freddie Webb 11th and GED 75 Larry Anderson 12th 77 Stephen Nethery 12th 79 Robert Drew 10th
1) “Chaplain Discusses ‘Death House’ Ministry”, Interview, Legal Affairs, FRESH AIR, NPR, May 19, 2007.
2) “The Execution: Interview with Reverend Carroll Pickett”, PBS, FRONTLINE, 1999 www(DOT)pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/execution/readings/pickett.html
3) “Hickman: Texas needs to start a dialogue on the death penalty”, OTHER TAKES, Austin American-Statesman, July 30, 2008
4) “Appellate court refuses to stay killer’s execution”, Kathy Fair, HOUSTON CHRONICLE, Section A, Page 1, 2 Star edition, 05/23/1991
5) THE FAILURE INTERVIEW: REVEREND CARROLL PICKETT—AUTHOR OF “WITHIN THESE WALLS: MEMOIRS OF A DEATH HOUSE CHAPLAIN” Interview, by Kathleen A. Ervin www(DOT) failuremag.com/arch_history_carroll_pickett_interview.html
