Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Partial CV -- Dudley Sharp, independent researcher

"Dudley (Sharp) is the widely quoted death penalty advocate from Houston who keeps journalists on their toes on criminal justice matters. When writing an editorial, I often ask myself, 'What would Dudley say?' " Rodger Jones, Opinion Editor, Dallas Morning News, 8/5/2014, 

The 2013 Opinion Journalist of the Year, Association of Opinion Journalists

Partial CV, at bottom -- Dudley Sharp, independent researcher, pro death penalty expert, former opponent and victim's rights advocate
Mr. Sharp's e-mail sharpjfa@aol.com phone 832-439-2113
Mr. Sharp has appeared on ABC, BBC, CBS, CNN, C-SPAN, FOX, NBC, NPR, PBS  and many other TV and radio networks, on such programs as Nightline, The News Hour with Jim Lehrer, The O'Reilly Factor, Oprah, etc., has been quoted in newspapers throughout the world and is a published author.
A former opponent of capital punishment, he has written and granted interviews about, testified on and debated the subject of the death penalty, extensively and internationally.

Ongoing Project - details and updates of the most pronounced topics within the death penalty debate.

A full rebuttal of all anti-death penalty "facts".
The Death Penalty: Justice & Saving More Innocents

support is the fact checking/vetting/research support for the listing. Most can be found within the Ongoing Project.

Much more if you search "Dudley Sharp" "death penalty" and/or dudleysharp "death penalty".
--- IncludedResolved: That Americans Need To Learn How To Debate Again, Eric Zorn, Columnist, The Chicago Tribune, 6/20/21 
--- Guest Lecturer, US Department of State, Senior Seminar, National Foreign Affairs Training Center, Washington DC, March 30, 1999
--- Dudley Sharp: Judge Tom Price is wrong, Dallas Morning News, 12/03/2014
"In a recent appellate opinion, Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Judge Tom Price went on a rant against the death penalty. He was dead wrong, on everything."

---  "What a mess - C-Span & The Death Penalty Information Center", 3/6/2024,

self supporting: Astounding idiocy by C-Span, accepting that the DPIC is neutral on the death penalty, when DPIC has been known anti-death penalty. for decades, as detailed.

--- Reply to "Executioner's Swan Song" by Michael Kroll. Salon.com, 2/11/00.

Michael Kroll is a journalist and founder of The Death Penalty Information Center, the leading mis-information source of those opposed to capital punishment. This is a published Letter reply to Kroll's 2/8/00 article and a correction of much of his misinformation, very much akin of to his DPIC.

support:  The Death Row "Exonerated"/"Innocent" Frauds 
 71-83% Error Rate in Death Row "Innocent" Claims, Well Known Since 2000 
---  "Justice the foundation for the death penalty", Foster's, March 2, 2019,

--- Point Person: Our QandA with death penalty advocate Dudley Sharp, Dallas Morning News, 12/17/2010,

support: 30 or so "Media Disaster" articles, aka "The Death Penalty: How Journalists are Murdering Journalism"

---  Medical Ethics, Globalization, and the Decline of Lethal Injection, Response Commentary, International Affairs Forum,
--- An Argument for the Death Penalty, NPR, December 13, 2005
Deconstruction of primary anti-death penalty claims
---"Equal Treatment and the Death Penalty: A Conference"; Participant, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York, November 11, 2002
--- Participant, The Governor's (Illinois) Commission on Capital Punishment. I was asked to present a paper on deterrence and the death penalty. I presented two papers -- one on deterrence and one on innocence issues. 2001

support - updated   

The Death Row "Exonerated"/"Innocent" Frauds 
 71-83% Error Rate in Death Row "Innocent" Claims, Well Known Since 2000 

The Death Penalty: Saving More Innocent Lives

--- Chapter, Death Penalty Is Just by Dudley Sharp, The Death Penalty, publisher Thomson/Gale, 2006

---- In comment section, below article
Opinion Response: On Mike Hobson's "Alabama’s Death Penalty – A Season For Change", Centreville Press, Mar 7, 2023
--- Dead Wrong: The American Board of Anesthesiology & Capital Punishment, Opposing Views, Updated: March 2, 2018, Original:May 12, 2010,
The ABA's nonsensical, non-ethical prohibition of their members participating in executions.
---- Column on death penalty got it wrong, 3/11/2023 

--- Race and the Death Penalty, Response Commentary by Dudley Sharp, International Affairs Forum,
--- "ABA's (American Bar Assn.) Proposed Moratorium Relies on Flimsy Facts", The Texas Lawyer, March 16, 1997. 

An article showing how inaccurate and misleading the American Bar Association was in their foundation in asking for a moratorium on executions. 

They could not rebut.
---   Should the Death Penalty Be Abolished or Paused (Moratorium) Because of the Alleged Possibility of an Innocent Person Being Executed?, ProCon.ORG, 2017,
Showing that not executing murderers causes many more innocents to be murdered, by a huge margin, over the possibility of executing an innocent.

support   The Death Penalty:  Saving More Innocent Lives

--- Allegations of misinterpretations of biblical passages to oppose the death penalty, at Religious Tolerance, 2011-2012, by Dudley Sharp 

support  Religion and The Death Penalty
---  (Judaism and the Death Penalty) Another view of the death penalty, Jerusalem Post, published 03/19/2009,
-- No Pain in Lethal Injection, Dakota Voice, 

 support Rebuttal: Botched Executions

--- Death Penalty Revisited - Helen Prejean and me - Houston Matters, Houston Public Media, NPR, 10/06/20014,

support   Sister Helen Prejean: Does Truth Matter?:
                   Dead Man Walking & The Death Penalty
Does Truth Matter? Sr. Prejean, The Church and U of Notre Dame 

Complete refutation of the Sister's claims. She cannot rebut.

--- Enforcing (Death) Penalty Saves Lives, OPINION, by Dudley Sharp, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Aug 10, 2012
Oddly, the AJC editor removed "Death" from the title

Support  The Death Penalty: Saving More Innocent Lives

----  C-SPAN, Death Penalty Support, Sole Guest, NOVEMBER 28, 2005,
--- "Rethinking the Death Penalty", Nightline, ABCNews, 6/22/00

Interesting discussion with former Florida Supreme Court Justice Kogan, who, somehow, confused alleged innocent death row inmates released on appeal with innocent death row inmates executed.  

Truly bizarre.
---- "The Death Penalty", This Week with Sam Donaldson and Cokie Roberts, ABC News, 6/4/00 

Appearance with Illinois Governor George Ryan, discussing moratoriums and innocence issues.
--- Big Question: Death Penalty, THE JOY CARDIN SHOW, Wisconsin Public Radio, September 28, 2011, audio, https://www.wpr.org/listen/248101
--- C-SPAN, Death Penalty Moratoriums, APRIL 19, 2001, 

Death penalty moratorium issues, with Jane Henderson of the Quixote Center in Maryland. She coordinator of the Equal Justice Project, the liberal anti-death penalty group that owns and controls Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty.

A great show to view, virtually, all the false and misleading information put forward by the anti-death penalty movement and to see it rebutted.
support 1) The Death Penalty: Justice & Saving More Innocents
2) Full Rebuttal: Hannah Cox, National Manager,
Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty (CCADP),
3) Full Rebuttal: DEMETRIUS MINOR, National Manager, Conservatives Concerned About The Death Penalty (CCADP)

---- "Death Penalty Update", The News Hour with Jim Lehrer, 7/30/00 PBS. A review of death penalty issues.
---- "Do We Need the Death Penalty? Yes", an essay, The World and I Magazine, September 2002,
---- "Executions are justified", OPINION, The Oklahoman, 3/31/04,
---- "The Death Penalty", Speaker, Annual meeting of the American Corrections Association, San Antonio, Texas, 1997. 

Debate between myself and Richard Burr, a well known death penalty defense attorney and anti-death penalty activist. Wonderful guy. 
---- "Far more innocents would die without the death penalty", Dudley Sharp, OP/ED, Dallas Morning News, 12/15/2010,
---- "Death Penalty Debate", between Eric Zorn, an anti-death penalty columnist with the Chicago Tribune, and Dudley Sharp. April-June, 2000.

Visits many of today's major death penalty issues in an in-depth format and is an illustration that assumption, not fact, often guide reporting on this issue.
---- "Capital punishment is an effective way to protect innocent people", May 27, 2000 - St. Louis Post Dispatch. 

Many more innocents will be put at risk by not executing. Scroll down about halfway to reach the letter.

---- "Death on Hold?", Fort Worth Star Telegram, 2/5/00. Why a moratorium on executions is unwarranted.  
---- "Innocence and the Death Penalty", 4/16/00, Pro Death Penalty.com,

An in depth look at the concern for the innocence issue. Shows that if such is really a concern, that an increase in executions will result.  

---- "Bias on the death penalty", Richmond Times Dispatch, 4/23/01, deals with the racial issues.   www.timesdispatch.com/MGB5AB8IVLC.html
--- ABCNews.com, Taking Sides, essay "Exoneration Hype Exaggerated", 5/10/00. A brief essay regarding the absence of journalistic standards when dealing with issues of innocence and the death penalty. It is the second article down.  
---- The Wrong Man, LETTERS, Atlantic Monthly. 

This is a response to a misleading article on the death penalty (The Wrong Man", 11/99). The Atlantic Monthly article is representative of the vast distortions by death penalty opponents on the innocence issue. My letter reveals those distortions. AM agreed to publish a shortened version of my letter, but failed to do so.   
----- "Innocence Defined", THE RECORD (Bergan County, New Jersey), 11/19/99. Article which corrects the anti-death penalty exaggerations regarding the reality of the factually innocent sent to death row.
--- Various Death Penalty Issues, Video, Hannity & Colmes, FOXNews, 4/24/2009,
---- Testimony before the Pennsylvania State Senate Judiciary Committee, February 2000. Death Penalty Moratorium legislation.
---- Alaska Senate Judiciary Committee, Death Penalty Testimony, July 1997. Testimony regarding referendum on the death penalty and other death penalty issues
---- Texas Legislature, testimony in both House and Senate regarding death penalty issues and bills.
---- "Guilty as Charged", Wall Street Journal, A22, 6/28/00.  Co-authored with Dianne Clements

An article about the highly publicized case of executed Texas murderer Gary Graham, an excellent example of innocent fraud by anti-death penalty activists.


---"Proffitt argument is 'folly' ", North Carolina State University's The Technician, 11/29/00. A correction of many of the anti-death penalty falsehoods. 
---  "Should the Death Penalty Be Abolished?", Thom Hartman Program, 5/19/2009, NOT THE OFFICIAL VIDEO, which I could not locate,
---- "Sen. Pat Leahy Dead Wrong On Death Penalty", aka "A different look at the death penalty", 11/11/00, Saint Michael's College (Vermont) The MAGAZINE A correction of many false anti-death penalty beliefs as such beliefs were expressed by one of the US's most respected political leaders ("Dying an innocent death?", 11/9/00)   www.smcvt.edu/magazine/Campus/feedback.htm
---- "DEATH PENALTY AND SENTENCING INFORMATION In the United States", 10/1/97. ProDeathPenalty.com, original site down, alternate site,

This is a long report on all aspects of the death penalty. Although a bit out of date, it explores most of the false allegations against the death penalty and was part of my research that caused me to change positions and become a death penalty supporter. Much of the material has been significantly updated at prodpinnc.
update here:
---  Do We Need the Death Penalty? Yes, It's Still Necessary, World & I.com, 10/25/02,
---  Dead Wrong: Death Penalty Opponents, KGVO, February 16, 2013,
---- "Death Penalty in Black and White", IntellectualCapital.com, 6/24/99. Visits all the various racial misconceptions of the death penalty. at  
---- "Dissecting Bob Harris", Mother Jones Magazine, 2/22/99. A humorous response to Bob Harris' "Dissecting the Death Penalty", 2/22/99.   
----"Society Should See Difference Between Criminal, Punitive Acts", The Daily Oklahoman, 06/28/1997. The title is self explanatory.
Chapters in Books
"The Death Penalty", pg 26,31,33, 39, 79, Current Issues, Reference Point Press, 2012
"The Death Penalty is Just", Dudley Sharp, p 15-17, also pages 11 & 62, The Death Penalty, Opposing Viewpoints, Thompson/Gale 2006
"The Mentally Retarded do not Face Execution", Is The Death Penalty Fair?, Greenhaven Press, Mary Williams editor, 2003
"Innocent People Have Not Been Executed", from Problems of Death, Opposing Viewpoints Series, Greenhaven Press, 2000
"The Death Penalty Should Be Retained", from Capital Punishment, Current Controversies, Greenhaven Press, 2000
Death Penalty Debates
---  IncludedResolved: That Americans Need To Learn How To Debate Again, Eric Zorn, Columnist, The Chicago Tribune, 6/20/21 
--- American University, U. sponsored, Washington, DC, 10/30/00
--- Louisiana Minority Correctional Workers Assn., Baton Rouge, La., 10/16/00
--- South Texas College of Law, Black Law Students Assn., Houston, Texas, 10/25/00
--- University of Texas Law School, sponsored jointly by The Federalist Society and The National Lawyers Guild, Austin, Texas, 4/9/01
and many others
Position: Mr. Sharp is, now, an independent researcher, pro death penalty expert, former opponent and victim's rights advocate
Prior to that time, he was Vice President, Political Director, Chairman of the Endorsement Committee and member of the Board of Directors of Justice For All from July 1993, when JFA was founded, through January 2000. He was Resource Director for JFA through 2003. Justice For All  was a criminal justice reform organization based in Houston, Texas.
In those positions, he was an active participant in every major issue undertaken by JFA, including policy direction, lobbying, victim's assistance and public presentations.
He created the process for endorsing political candidates, forming a political endorsement committee, investigating the background of candidates, developing a questionnaire used to explore the candidates true positions on criminal justice and victim's issues resulting, finally, in a committee recommendation for endorsements.
He is a death penalty expert, previously, opposed to capital punishment.
Tulane U., BA Philosophy 1978
Mr. Sharp's e-mail sharpjfa@aol.com phone 832-439-2113

600+ pro death penalty quotes from murder victim's families &
3300+ from some of the greatest thinkers in history
Research, w/sources, w/fact checking/vetting & critical thinking, as required in a public policy debate
The Death Penalty: Justice & Saving More Innocents
Students, Academics & Journalists: Death Penalty Research
(7 pro-death penalty experts listed)