Friday, January 17, 2025

Media Disaster: LAW360 & The Death Penalty

Could This LAW360 Article Help Upend Journalism?

LAW360's article is  just a tiny example and will injure a tiny amount.

Journalism has been upending itself, on the death penalty, continuously, for, at least, 30 years. (see Research, w/sources, w/fact checking/vetting & critical thinking, at bottom.)

For nearly two years, LAW360 answered none of the questions, below, nor informed their readers of the many journalism problems. The norm. 

For many more Media Disaster reviews, here: 

Sent January 22, 2023
edits, only for clarity, re-sent January 18, 2025

To: Jack Karp, Karin Roberts, LAW360 and all editorial staff
please forward to all LAW360 editors
BCC:  Governor Kevin Stitt
Oklahoma Legislators and staff
Attorney General  John O’Connor and staff
Oklahoma Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
Pardon and Parole Board
District Attorneys' Council
media throughout Oklahoma and CNHI Newspapers
Archdiocese of Oklahoma City
Catholic Conference of Oklahoma
RE: Could This Case Help Upend The Death Penalty In Oklahoma?, Jack Karp, LAW360, January 20, 2023
Subject: REBUTTAL: Richard Gossip's Innocence?!
From: Dudley Sharp, independent researcher, death penalty expert, former opponent, 832-439-2113, Houston, Texas, CV at bottom
Reporting? Journalism? Let's Look.
1) Why did LAW360, only, interview well known anti-death penalty experts and not well known pro-death penalty experts? Too obvious?
2) See pro-death penalty experts, here (1). Use them, if balance and different perspectives matter.

3) Death Row "Innocent"/"Exoneration" frauds are in the 71-83% range, depending upon review (2). LAW360 is, somehow, unaware and/or they didn't think such would be of interest to their readers?

LAW360 writes: ". . .  in an August filing with the state's Pardon and Parole Board, the Attorney General's Office rebutted all criticisms of the case, insisting that Glossip is guilty and that the "frenzy" surrounding his case is the result of "manipulated" and "slanted" portrayals in the media."

The very common actions by media,. The rule not the exception. See the many Media Disasters and Research, at bottom
4) Massive, worldwide death row "innocence" frauds are well documented (2). Unmentioned.
5) Reporters should  not have excluded the judicial opinions, which, for very good reasons, have gone against Glossip, for 20 years. Unmentioned.
6)  What adult, death penalty involved  person would say:
"Three years ago (2020), I honestly did not think it was even possible to have somebody innocent on death row."? 
That would be Rep. Kevib McDugle,  Oklahoma House of Representatives. McDugle is an "honest" idiot or an "honest" liar and you didn't question him on that?

How many news stories have there been about the "innocent"/"exonerated", from death row, 1995-2019? Did Oklahoma media not cover any of those? McDugle?  Hardly credible.

7) Did you happen to research this?: 
Rep. Kevin McDugle's op/ed: "I believe Richard Glossip is innocent. This is why",  The Oklahoman, June 26, 2022, which prompted this:
Rep. McDugle is Total Blank on Richard Glossip's "Actual Innocence" in that article.  - Why? Guess.

If so, unmentioned. How?

8) Dunham is the biggest "innocent"/"exonerated" death row fraudster in the US (2) and you didn't bring that up? On purpose? How could it be accidental? Only if LAW360 didn't fact check and vet, for 25 years.
9) Sarat is an anti-death penalty activists who happens to be an academic (3). Unmentioned.
10) After 14 years of consideration, Gossip was a blank. During Glossip's 2014 clemency hearing, "Board members asked Glossip why he lied to police about (Barry Alan) Van Treese’s whereabouts after he was made aware by Sneed that Sneed had killed their boss. Glossip said at first he did not believe Sneed, but he was unable to give the board a reason as to why he did not report the crime to police." Left out. Huge negligence.
11) Did you read  Reed Smith's 6/7/2022 "Independent Investigation of   State v. Richard E. Glossip"?   The Summary and Conclusion have no mention of actual innocence. Unmentioned, as well as that Reed Smith was acting, only as defense counsel, as was obvious. Unme6ntioned, Reed Smith is an active pro criminal, pro bono group. Unmentioned. Both, on purpose? How not.
12) What's the best Reed Smith could do, for Glossip: "Unlike many cases in which the death penalty has been imposed, the evidence of petitioner’s (Glossip) guilt was not overwhelming.”
Reed Smith and LAW360 avoid the obvious. The two juries, unanimously (24-0) found guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and the appellate courts have upheld that verdict, in the later, for 20 years.
13)  Here are some journalists who "really" looked at the case, very early on. LAW 360, notice the title of the second.
Two truths and a lie: What records, interviews reveal about Richard Glossip’s murder conviction, CARY ASPINWALl, The Frontier, SEPTEMBER 13, 2015
Skepticism, key details missing from stories on Glossip case, ZIVA BRANSTETTER, The Frontier, AUGUST 29, 2015 HTTPS://WWW.READFRONTIER.ORG/KEY-DETAILS-MISSING-FROM-STORIES-ON-GLOSSIP-CASE/ 
and LAW360?
Reporting? Journalism? Part of the Defense Team?

In Closing

I, only, looked at this one death penalty story, within LAW360. Is there any reason to believe your standards are any different within other death penalty stories or on any other topic?

If so, why?
1)  Students, Academics & Journalists: Death Penalty Research
2) The Death Row "Exonerated"/"Innocent" Frauds
 71-83% Error Rate in Death Row "Innocent" Claims, Well Known Since 2000 
The Death Penalty: Justice & Saving More Innocents


Research, w/sources, w/fact checking/vetting & critical thinking, as required of everyone in a public policy debate and which rebut all anti-death penalty claims.
The media/academic norm is to use anti-death penalty material, refuse to fact check or vet it and avoid all pro-death penalty research and experts. How will you know that is true? You haven't seen this material, prior.
a) The Death Penalty: Justice & Saving More Innocents
b) Students, Academics & Journalists: Death Penalty Research
(7 pro-death penalty experts are included)

600+ pro death penalty quotes from murder victim's families &
3300+ from some of the greatest thinkers in history