Monday, October 06, 2014

Catechism & State Protection: The Gross Negligence of the Holy See

updated Feb 2025

Catechism & State Protection: 
The Gross Negligence of the Holy See
Dudley Sharp, independent researcher, death penalty expert, former opponent, 832-439-2113, CV at bottom

From Evangelium Vitae (EV), 1995 (1) to the CCC 2267 amendments of 1997 (2), the Church has limited death penalty application based upon Her false claims of criminal justice safety (4), within the latest CCC 2267 amendment, 2018 (3) declaring the death penalty inadmissible, based within criminal justice safety, as well as some, newly, discovered teachings on the dignity of life, which are nowhere to be found, as they have, always, existed in Church teachings. The 2018 CCC 2267 amendment (3), is based within other falsehoods, as well (8,9).

The Church's claims are complete, utter nonsense as the Church has well known (4), prior to 1995. How do we know? Because it is, impossible, not to know these clear obvious facts (4).

The Church's "criminal justice safety" had been disproven (4) prior to EV being presented (1995), and continuing, forever, as anyone familiar with criminal justice systems is aware. (4). The facts are that repeat unjust aggressors are very common, worldwide (4). 

The Church is very aware and, always, has been, just as She was with the priest sex abominations and hid those, and still does, until uncovered by those outside the Church, just as with EV and the two CCC 2267 amendments (4, 4a & b)

Those pronouncements, within EV and CCC 2267, reflect zero concern about the reality of violence within prisons and the fact that criminal justice systems, worldwide, allow unjust aggressors to reoffend against innocents, over and over, again (4, 4a & b), just as with the Church and her priest sex horrors.

All amended 2267s are such a poorly considered prudential judgments as to negate any "prudential" moniker or any reference to responsible judgment.

The Church and 
Pope John Paul II ("PJPII") made no prudential judgment, here, but instead, made a factual assertion which was entirely and easily, proven false (4),  in fact, had to be known as false, in plain sight . . . a grossly irresponsible judgment ---  all at times (1995/1997/2018)  when the Church and the Popes were in the midst of the horrendous moral scandal of priests being allowed to sexually assault children, repeatedly, a horror which, as revealed within EV and both amended 2267s, had no effect on either the Popes or the Church to consider additional harm to innocents within EV or the amended CCC 2267s.

No concern, whatsoever, 1995 forward (4, 4a & b)

Instead, what EV and the amended 2267s do is to put more innocents at risk, which is undeniable and is very well known (
(4, 4a & b).

It reflects an astonishing callousness in the same vein as the Church's 80 years of priest sex horrors, but with many, many more victims, as the Church is aware 
(4, 4a & b).

For over 700 years, if we include this commentary: "Writing in the early 16th century, the Dutch scholar Erasmus already lamented that the faithful 'often fall into the hands of priests who, under the pretense of confession, commit acts which are not fit to be mentioned.' "

Let's look at "the means at the State's disposal" and the willful ignorance or deceit of anyone that would state that repeat offenders are "very rare, if not practically non-existent", because of current criminal justice systems ((4, 4a & b).

The Church "had the means, at the Church's disposal, to effectively repress crime by rendering inoffensive the priests who had committed it". She did not and until revealed by others, She would not, Herself, just as with those unjust aggressors who harm over and over, again, as the criminal justice systems allow, as the Church knows but will not confess. . . again 
(4, 4a & b).

But the Church did not use the means at her disposal to stop despicable acts, for, at least, 8 (or 70) decades.  With cover ups, apparently, still occurring with McCarrick, and others continuing through 2023, undoubtedly, with more to come, as the slow trickle of horror continues (see Maryland, France, and Illinois 2022/2023), not uncovered by the Church, but by those outside the Church,

"Means" is irrelevant, as the Church and everyone else, well knows, from vast experience. 
The only thing that is relevant is reality, as the Church, eventually, confessed within Her priest sex scandal yet, still, withheld vital secrets. 

The Church, as all of us, well knows that the Church avoided all possible means of stopping the priest sexual abuse of children and seminary students, for 80 to 700 years . . . in fact the Church made it much worse, by allowing abusers to continue their horrors, after prior discovery.

The Church knows that "means" are worthless if one chooses not to use them, as the Church did, just as She knows using "means" in EV and the CCC 2267, 1997 and 2018 amendments, are just as meaningless, as She proved and knows from Her priest sex horrors.

False and irresponsible statements cannot be allowed in a CCC, meaning the 1997 and 2018 amendments must be ruled invalid, if truth matters.

The reality is that criminal justice systems, worldwide, allow criminals to harm over and over, again, as the easiest of research, fact checking vetting confirms (4) and as the Church has well known, forever. It is time for the Church to confess that, as well.

But, again, deception, is Her answer.

Cases whereby the unjust aggressors harm and murder, again, in prison, after escape, after improper release and/or with no incarceration, are way too common (4)  -   the well-known factual opposite (4) of  PJPII and the Church's incomprehensible finding that such cases are "very rare, if not practically non-existent", a factual error so profound and obvious (4) that it is clear that truth and reason were, intentionally,  avoided in both EV and the Catechism amendments, showing a gross indifference for additional innocent victims, from repeat unjust aggressors, as detailed. (
4, 4a & b), a repeat of the callousness in the priest sex scandal.

All villages, towns, cities, states, territories, countries and broad government unions have widely varying degrees of criminal activity, police protections and prison security. Murderers escape, harm and murder, again, in prison and are given such leeway as to murder and/or harm, again, because of "mercy" to the murderer, leniency and irresponsibility to murderers, who are released or are otherwise given the opportunity to cause catastrophic losses to the innocent, repeatedly, when such ADDITIONAL innocents are harmed and murdered by unjust aggressors, over and over, again, as detailed 
(4, 4a & b).

It is not a matter of the "means" at the State's disposal but the reality of human error and gross negligence and how that, consistently, allows known offenders to harm innocents, repeatedly, with the Church well aware, but refuses to acknowledge, just as She did, for decades, with Her priest sex horrors.

Incarcerated prisoners plan and commit murders, escapes, terrorism and all types of criminal activity, using proxies or cell phones in directing escapes, crimes within prisons and with free world criminal activities, inclusive of murdering witnesses, as detailed (4). 

All of this is well known by all, inclusive of the Holy See.  It is impossible not to know 
(4, 4a & b) just as with the priest sex scandal. Therefore, the Church knows their statement to be false.

Some countries are so idiotic, reckless and callous as to allow terrorists to sign pledges that they will not harm again and then they are released, bound only by their word, a worthless pledge resulting in more innocent blood 
(4, 4a & b).

The Magisterium refuses to publicly acknowledge the reality of such suffering (3&4). It is unknown why She acts in such a fashion but, it is, unconscionable and, now, a consistent and intentional pattern, 1995-forward 
(4, 4a & b), just as with the priest sex horrors, for 8 or 70 decades.

Here are the known realities of all unjust aggressors, murderers and other violent offenders. 

They can morally/criminally/spiritually:

1) improve, becoming slightly better, in this range, still being harmful unjust aggressors all the way to becoming saints and, everything, in between.
2) Stay the same, bad for the unjust aggressors and bad for us
3) become even worse, more dangerous to all, the innocent and the unjust aggressors, to themselves.

known to all and unchallenged.

Had PJPII been interested and used research, truth and reason, he would have concluded that innocents were better protected with the death penalty/executions (4a) and that the death penalty/execution is, therefore, a greater defender of society and innocents (4a) and, as such, EV would not have created the errors, in 1995, which were, then, wrongly put into the 1997 amendments, which led to even greater errors in 2018 (4,8)

He nor the Church cared, not one wit (4b), proven since 1995, through today, everyday.

Pope Francis opposes the death penalty, life imprisonment and solitary confinement, knowingly, putting even more innocents at risk. 

The pattern (4b).

600+ pro death penalty quotes from murder victim's families &
3300+ from some of the greatest thinkers in history


Pope John Paul II: His death penalty errors 

2) 1997 amended CCC 2267: 

"Today, in fact, given the means at the State's disposal to effectively repress crime by rendering inoffensive the one who has committed it, without depriving him definitively of the possibility of redeeming himself, cases of absolute necessity for suppression of the offender 'today ... are very rare, if not practically non-existent.' [John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae 56).

Reality is important. See (fn 4,8), below.

3) with the 2018 Amendment:

" . . . a new understanding has emerged of the significance of penal sanctions imposed by the state. Lastly, more effective systems of detention have been developed, which ensure the due protection of citizens . . . ".

Complete utter nonsense (4,8).

     The Gross Negligence of the Holy See

The Holy See could find these types of cases every day, seemingly, forever, if She cared to look, from 1900 forward.  She does not care, as She has made clear.

She could care less, as confirmed within EV and within both amended 2267s, 1997 and 2018.

It seems likely that thousands of innocents die, every year, because of the irresponsibility of prison systems allowing unjust aggressors to harm and murder, again, somehow "missed" within EV and the amended CCC 2267s, very similar to the Church's moral catastrophe of the priest sex abominations, which was, always, right in front of Her.

Below are the some very, very few, disasters within criminal justice, that the Popes and Church must know about and which She could find more, on and on forever, with the Church, well aware, just as with the priest sex scandal cover up, making all CCC 2267 amendments a lie, as must be the case. Is there some other explanation 1995 forward?

Serial Killer Rapes & Murders up to 350 Girls, aged 9-12 - Released From jail for "good behavior" after 14 years incarceration - Whereabouts unknown since release, 1998.
Almost all of his victims were young girls, that he lured away from markets, using trinkets, then raping them, strangling them and dumping their bodies in shallow graves.

From 1973-2024, in the US:

About 20,000 ADDITIONAL innocents have been murdered by those KNOWN murderers that we have allowed to murder, again - recidivist murderers,

About 500,000 ADDITIONAL innocents have been murdered by those KNOWN criminal offenders that we have allowed to harm, again - recidivist criminals.


The Death Penalty: Saving More Innocent Lives

The real numbers are higher, as less than 25% of crimes are solved - "Fewer than half of crimes are reported and fewer than half are solved." "Most violent and property crimes in the U.S. go unsolved", PewResearch, 3/1/2017 

But . . . 

USA -- only 2% of serious crimes end in a conviction, as found in a review of 50 years of data . . . in 2006, of all serious crimes reported, only 4.1% of cases ended with a conviction, meaning only 2% are convicted, as only half are reported. Shima Baughman, Professor, Criminal Law, U of Utah, The Conversation, 8/20/ 2020,

LA police failed to investigate 4,000 serious child abuse reports in 2018 and 2019. Why? Daniel Heimpel, Mercury News,
Just like the Church. The "means" to do better, but abuse, instead.

2000, Nearly 5200 criminal escapees throughout USA,
2018, Over 1500 criminal escapees throughout USA, 
along with 75% of crimes, unsolved

Sheriff’s office (USA) reported clearing 400 rape cases without identifying a suspect, assigning a detective or even confirming the crime. (Tampa Bay Times, 1/6/2020)

Sound familiar? Repulsive. The "means" avoided. Abuse, instead.


12/2022 Chronically Understaffed Texas Prisons Set Stage for Prison Bus Escape and Massacre of Family

USA/President Obama provides 2500 weapons for Mexican Cartels, the worst of all terrorist groups, a precursor to President Biden's, knowingly, providing the cartels with billions of additional profits, with open borders, causing untold death and destruction in the US: more drugs, more sex trafficking (300,000 children "missing") , more violence, more cartel control, more chaos, more misery, countless more criminals/terrorists, with 10 million, more, unemployed and on and on, so far  . . .

Through "Operation Fast and Furious“, President Obama's ATF administration provided over 2500 weapons, inclusive of .50 caliber machine guns, and ten thousand rounds of ammunition, to criminal cartels within Mexico, with 800 of those weapons linked to known criminal activity. inclusive of US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry’s murder in December 2010 and hundreds of murders in Mexico. with 1,400 of the guns missing, with no efforts to track them down, all of which occurred with the US keeping the operation secret from the Mexican government.
There is a 0.16%  conviction rate for all crimes in Mexico (below).
Operation Fast and Furious Fast Facts, 
CNN Editorial Research, September 16, 2022

Governor Mike Huckabee (Ark, USA)

Common trust in repeat violent offenders, showing how often we give offenders 10-20 chances, with zero concern for innocents at risk. . . commutes 108 year sentence, for immediate release, after 10 years served, with many violations. Later, the offender, while on bond for child sexual assault and other violations, murders 4 policemen.

Governor Mike Huckabee (Ark, USA)
After begging by prior rape victims, not to release their rapists, Huckabee helped to convince the parole board to do so. 

Two more rapes and murders were the result.

The mother of Carol Sue Shields, the woman Dumond raped and killed in Missouri, told ABC News at the time that she would do "whatever it takes" to stop Huckabee from becoming president. "I can't imagine anybody wanting somebody like that running the country," said Lois Davidson.


BAD POLICE WORK vs GOOD POLICE WORK: WRONG MOVES JonBenét Ramsey’s dad says Idaho murders probe shines a light on failings by police in his daughter’s case, Luke Kenton, The Sun - USA, Oct 22, 2023 


Phillipines (2023): "thousands of cans of beer and methamphetamine hydrochloride inside the Maximum Security Compound". "Every time there is a surprise jail inspection, resulting in the seizure of drugs, mobile phones, knives, guns, and other contraband, the buck always stops with the prison guards," "Passage of bill vs prison smuggling lauded", The Manila Times, 11/27/2023


Over 150 Tennessee (USA) prison escapees still at large, Action 5 News, Associated Press, 2007 

99% of the 105,682 kidnappings in Mexico were unreported, with 1,317 reported to local or federal authorities. " . . .  a good deal of the 100,000+ abductions went unreported on suspicion that nothing would be done, or worse, that more harm would come to the involved parties (if reported) . . ." (99% of kidnappings in Mexico went unreported last year, By Roberto A. Ferdman, Quartz, October 3, 2013)

"Federal Prison Guards Confessed to Rape and Got Away With It" "Bureau of Prison employees sexually abused female inmates in at least two-thirds of federal women's prisons over the last decade.", C.J. CIARAMELLA, Reason, OCTOBER 2023 
Italy, Released in 25 years - sentenced to life for more than 100 murders (2021) 


Why 4,998 died in U.S. jails without getting their day in court, Reuters, Oct. 16, 2020


4,234 people died in state and federal prisons in 2019, "Hundreds of prison and jail deaths go uncounted by the federal government, report finds", NBC, September 20, 2020,


1978 Two murderers, Greenawalt and Tison, escaped prison, then kidnapped and murdered John and Donnelda Lyons, their 2-year-old son Christopher, and their 15 year old niece, Theresa Tyson then, moving north, they murdered newlyweds James and Margene Judge.  

Prior to their escape, they were imprisoned for murdering four others.  

March 2023 - 18 Prison Guards Have Sex Romps with Prisoners
UK: ‘Hard’ time: Eighteen female guards fired or quit when alleged sex romps with inmates exposed, BPR, March 14, 2023

Feb 2023, Trusted Murderer, Escapes, Murders Again
Double murderer Donald Dillbeck, first murdered Lee County Deputy Dwight Lynn Hall, 31. As punishment, Dillbeck was on a trustee, prisoner work release catering job, from which he walked away and, then, knife in hand, Dillbeck tried to carjack Faye Lamb Vann, 44, who was waiting in the parking lot of a shopping mall, to pick  up her family. Dillbeck stabbed her 20 times and slit her throat. After 30 years on death row, the media reported on Dillbeck's last words, which were critical of the state's governor, and we learned of Dillbeck's last meal and his spiritual advisor. 

Somehow, the media omitted the last words, last meals and spiritual advisors for Faye and Dwight.

Defrocked Catholic priest accused of molesting a boy still runs charity for kids, NBC NEWS, 3/25/23,

Two militants sentenced to death for killing U.S. blogger escape from Bangladesh court, Nov 2022

2 Convicted Murderers "Released"/"Escaped", via Forged Release Documents, USA, Oct 2018

In Mexico, 92% of crimes are unreported, with a 0.16% conviction rate, for all crimes.
"Mexico's 2012 National Survey on Victimization and Perception of Public Security revealed that almost 92% of crime were not reported by victims, due mainly to a lack of faith in police and the judicial system.". Of the 8% reported, the  . . . "abysmally low overall conviction rate, which the Justice in Mexico Project reports at around 2%", or .16% of all crimes.
92% of Crimes in Mexico Go Unreported: Survey MEXICO / 28 SEP 2012, CLAIRE O NEILL MCCLESKEY,

Teen out on bond on capital murder charge back in jail in 2 other murders, Apr. 28, 2023

9 year recidivism rate: USA
Violent offenders had recidivism rate of 79%, for all crimes, with a violent crime recidivism rate of 43%. Table 7, page 11, 2018, UPDATE ON PRISONER RECIDIVISM: A 9-YEAR FOLLOW-UP PERIOD (2005-2014) | MAY 2018, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 

Real recidivism rates are higher, as less than 25% of crimes are solved - "Fewer than half of crimes are reported and fewer than half are solved." "Most violent and property crimes in the U.S. go unsolved", PewResearch, 3/1/2017, 

"Trustworthy" Inmate Escapes USA, Kidnaps/Murders 19 year-old Daughter of Warden,, July 31, 2017  

While in prison, male robbers and murderers party with girls and guns - Dominican Republic, Oct 18, 2019

Courts order states to pay for sex change operations for incarcerated kidnappers, murderers and sex offenders.
"Thus far, the state of Idaho has paid $325,269.46 to litigate Edmo’s case." which does not include pre op, operation, post op and life long hormone therapy. Total estimate: over $500,000 per case.
Google search:  "sex change" prison - About 728,000 results (0.48 seconds), 9/18/2019


Prison Gang Runs Prison, USA, Drug Trafficking, Money Laundering, Impregnate 4 Guards: "13 corrections officers indicted in Md., accused of aiding gang’s drug scheme", Washington Post, 4/23/13
“The inmates literally took over ‘the asylum,’ and the detention centers became safe havens for (the gang) BGF,” said FBI Special Agent in Charge Stephen E. Vogt."

"Prisons and the Education of Terrorists"
Ian M. Cuthbertson, WORLD POLICY JOURNAL, FALL 2004

"The use of prisons as a means of recruiting new members into terrorist organizations while providing advanced training to existing members is hardly a new phenomenon. FOR MORE THAN 30 YEARS (my emphasis), European countries have been beset by a variety of nationalist and leftist terrorist groups, some of them highly sophisticated organizations with large rosters of combat and support personnel."

" . . . terrorist groups were able to retain a large degree of cohesion within the prison setting, which they discovered to be a favorable environment for training members in new skills and planning future operations."

"Al-Qaeda and its network of associated organizations has taken full advantage of the relatively lax practices in European, and even some American, prisons. The pool of potential recruits is vast."

" . . . in October 2003, John Pistole, the FBI’s executive assistant director of counterterrorism/counterintelligence, called U.S. correctional institutions a “viable venue for radicalization and recruitment” for al-Qaeda. Harley Lappin, the director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, sees the bloated prison population of disgruntled and violent inmates as being 'particularly vulnerable to recruitment by terrorists.'

Incarcerated Terrorists Radicalize Prisoners, Fundraise and Plan Attacks
"The Bali bombers were allowed to preach to the prison population, radicalizing scores of impressionable young Muslims, as well as fund and organize subsequent attacks from their cells."
"Hell in the heart of paradise", Monday November 23, 2009 Source: AAP

Cell phones, prisoners & crimes

Prisoners use contraband cell phones, in prison, to arrange murders of witnesses, murders of government officials, plan escapes, continue free world criminal enterprises, etc.
Google search -- "cell phones" prison -- with 5.7 million hits in .35 seconds

Illegal Cellphones Used to Assassinate Police Officers & Their Families, 2017
Bloods gang member who is serving life sentence 'masterminded terrifying kidnap of prosecutor's father using a cell phone he'd smuggled into prison, 2014

Noted Terrorist Anwar al Awlaki, released from prison based upon his word.
al Awlaki was a spiritual leader at two mosques where three 9/11 hijackers worshiped, a native-born U.S. citizen who left the United States in 2002, was arrested in 2006 with a small group of suspected al-Qaida militants in the capital San'a. He was released more than a year later after signing a pledge he will not break the law or leave the country. He is now missing and encourages violence against Americans from his website.

Awlaki used his site to declare support for the Somali terrorist group, al-Shabaab and celebrated the acts of US Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, who murdered 13 and wounding 29 in a shooting spree.

al Awlaki called upon other Muslim's to duplicate those acts. "Radical imam praises alleged Fort Hood shooter", Associated Press, 11/9/09, 6:19 pm ET

"New Evidence Suggests Radical Cleric Anwar al-Awlaki Was an Overlooked Key Player in 9/11 Plot"

al-Awalaki killed, no longer a threat
"Al-Qaida cleric Anwar al-Awlaki is dead, says Yemen", Martin Chulov in Beirut, The Guardian, Friday 30 September 2011 04.53 EDT

‘Sophisticated’ prison smuggling ring used women met on dating sites, others; 21 charged, DAVID TRAVIS BLAND, The State, SEPTEMBER 27, 2019

Death-Row Drug Kingpin Busted with Meth in Cell Indonesia, Escapes
"Indonesian prisons are notorious for the amount of drug use and even drug manufacturing that goes on inside, typically with the paid assistance of prison officials." " . . . while supposedly locked up, (Amir) continued to run an international trafficking ring with the help of his wife, bringing in product from Vietnam."

"He later escaped from the prison"

Two year investigation, 16,000 overtime police hours, searching for non-existent serial murderer, because of contaminated cotton swabs

‘It wasn’t fair’: Victim’s family disappointed by parole for convicted murderer, Ken Lemon,, October 31, 2024,

‘It wasn’t fair’: Victim’s family disappointed by parole for convicted murderer – WSOC TV

The parole board cares more for the guilty murderer than his innocent victim or the victim's daughter.  Sadly, very common.

Escaped Rapist/Murderer Still At Large USA

 Rafael McCloud, a death penalty eligible, indicted rapist/murderer, escaped jail using a homemade shank to waylay a jail employee and force him to give up his pants and jacket. He remains at large, after two days. ("Escaped inmate accused of murder eludes search for third day", The Associated Press, Kansas City Star, 3/4/16

Escapee Takes Family Hostage, Stabs Father
7 days later, McCloud invades home, holds family, inclusive of 5 year old son, hostage, at knifepoint, stabs father in back and shoulder ===  eventually, wife and husband get to their own firearm, killing McCloud. ("Murder suspect who escaped jail killed after holding family", BY JEFF AMY, ASSOCIATED PRESS FRIDAY, Channel 13 ABCNEWS, WHAM, Rochester, NY, MARCH 11TH 2016

16 al Quaeda Escape in Jailbreak in Iraq, 2009

6,000 al Quaeda Escapees, 1999-2021

12 inmates escape Walker County Jail (Alabama, USA),, 

Georgia (USA) Escapees Murder Two Guards, NBC 11 Alive, 6/14/17, 

Repeat murderer fakes paralysis, escapes, murders, again. USA
Twice convicted murderer Alva "Campbell, faked paralysis and escaped from custody when he was being taken to court in a wheelchair. Using a gun he took form a deputy sheriff, he carjacked (Joe) Dials, 18, robbed and killed him." Younger brother Charles Dials called Joe a father figure: “He was an awesome big brother, the go-to guy.  Everybody loved him. It was a devastating blow for our family.”

Campbell (above) murdered another wonderful person, in 1972, William S. Dovalosky, from Cleveland.
Execution date set for Columbus killer, By Alan Johnson, The Columbus Dispatch, March 28, 2013

23 escape from Yemen prison, 13 are al Quaeda, 2006

Lifer fakes paralysis, escapes USA
Repeat sex offender,"cripple" serving life, overpowers guards, escapes

Officials "embarrassed" by Texas death row inmate escape, Houston Chronicle, November 06, 2005 USA
". . . Thompson claimed he had an appointment with his lawyer and was taken to a meeting room. However, the visitor was not Thompson's attorney." "After the visitor left, Thompson removed his handcuffs and his bright orange prison jumpsuit and got out of a prisoner's booth that should have been locked. He then left wearing a dark blue shirt, khaki pants and white tennis shoes, carrying a fake identification badge and claiming to work for the Texas Attorney General's office." "This was 100 percent human error; that's the most frustrating thing about it." "There were multiple failures." Trial jurors and victim's relatives were terrified.

He murdered/dismembered 3-year-old Adam Gomez, fed child’s remains to a dog, kept some remains in freezer to intimidate boy’s mother, 2019 

Pope Francis opposes the death penalty and life sentences and solitary confinement, which, knowingly,  provides release of all of the above offenders, as hundreds of thousands more, which guarantees more innocents harmed and murdered, as does his opposition to solitary confinement (Blood red).

He and the Church are well aware.
goes on and on forever, with the Church, well aware, just as with the priest sex scandal cover up.


4a) The Death Penalty: Saving More Innocent Lives 

The Death Row "Exonerated"/"Innocent" Frauds 
 71-83% Error Rate in Death Row "Innocent" Claims, Well Known Since 2000 

4b)  30 Examples:
How Death Penalty Opponents Value Murderers More Than Their Innocent Victims

5) "Evangelium Vitae, St. Thomas Aquinas and the Death Penalty", p 519, Steven A. Long, The Thomist, 63 (1999): 511-552

6) ibid, p 522

7)  Kevin L. Flannery S.J. - Capital Punishment and the Law – 2007, Ordinary Professor of Ancient Philosophy at the Pontifical Gregorian University (Rome); Mary Ann Remick Senior Visiting Fellow at the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture (University of Notre Dame)

8) Luke 23:39-43 "Now one of the criminals hanging there reviled Jesus, saying, "Are you not the Messiah? Save yourself and us." The other, however, rebuking him, said in reply, "Have you no fear of God, for you are subject to the same condemnation? And indeed, we have been condemned justly, for the sentence we received corresponds to our crimes, but this man has done nothing criminal." Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." (Jesus) replied to him, "Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise." (NAB).

It is not about the method of earthly death, but the message of eternal salvation.
“Capital Punishment and Magisterial Authority”
"Fastiggi on Capital Punishment and the Change to the Catechism, 
Part I," Edward Feser, 8/26/2023,
Part 2, 8/30/2023

9) Pope Francis

10) “Amerio on capital punishment “, Chapter XXVI, 187. The death penalty, from the book Iota Unum, May 25, 2007

11) Jesus and the death penalty: "They may become Christians", Dan Popp, June 23, 2013  

600+ pro death penalty quotes from murder victim's families &
3300+ from some of the greatest thinkers in history
Additional research, w/sources, w/fact checking/vetting & critical thinking, as required of everyone.  

The Death Penalty: Justice & Saving More Innocents
Students, Academics & Journalists: Death Penalty Research
7 pro-death penalty experts, inlcuided
Partial CV